[Salon] The Meaning of 83,000 Russian Dead


The Meaning of 83,000 Russian Dead 

A sober new study by independent Russian media outlets Meduza and Mediazona, published on February 24 puts Russian dead from the two years of war against Ukraine at 83,000. 83,000 is a lot.

The United States with a population of 200 million at the time lost 57.000 dead in the Vietnam War over eight years – 1964-72. That would make Russia’s per capita death toll per year eight times higher.

This consideration clearly will delight senators Richard Blumenthal, Marco Rubio, Lindsay Graham and the policymakers of the Biden administration whose anti-Russian racist bigotry shines like demented black, anti-matter suns: But what does it really mean?

First, the Russian people clearly see this war as a war of defense and for existential survival, just as they did the Great Patriotic War, which we call World War II. In that war, at least 27 million Russians died. But the will of the Russian people to defeat and destroy an adversary clearly and openly bent on their extermination did not waver for a second. All evidence shows an equally rock-hard determination to see this war through to a successful conclusion too.

Second, organized life in Russia shows no signs of unraveling. The parallel here is with Britain in World War Ii where, despite economic privations vastly more extreme than anything the Russian people have had to face so far, patriotic support for the war against Nazi Germany never wavered.

On the contrary, Winston Churchill’s credibility and political power only wavered – repeatedly – during World War II in 1942, when it appeared that he was not prosecuting the war competently and vigorously enough.

President Vladimir Putin has faced the same situation so far in this current conflict. Since the Russian army smashed the insane obvious, utterly inept frontal offensive that Biden administration policy makers forced upon Kiev last year, confidence in Russia’s military and political leadership has been far stronger than ever before.

Third, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland clearly continue to fantasize that hundreds of thousands of Russians have died, that the Russian army has been bled white and that “just one more push” will disintegrate the Russian state forever and topple President Putin.

It is all an insane delusion. The figures, the hard intelligence, the assessments by hundreds of seasoned US military analysts all disprove this pulp fiction. Yet out it still relentlessly pours.

Fourth, the same sober study gives supporting credence to the admission of Ukraine’s former prosecutor general Yuriy Lutsenko that at least 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed so far Most of them last year alone.

Fifth, Russia, Russia is winning. Its forces are rolling forward again.

Sixth, however, it is clear, especially from the exceptionally forthright and delusional comments last week by Nuland that the Biden sleepwalkers have not given up. They are still deep in their Dreamtime. Except unlike the wise aboriginal first inhabitants of Australia, their walkabouts can only lead them and the entire American nation of a third of a billion people to total destruction.

For if the war hemorrhages on and the US leadership continues in its not just manic but maniac efforts to destroy Russia by hook or by crook, eventual escalation to global nuclear war can only be a matter of time – and of months rather than years or the usual cozy decades.

Thus, we see the ultimate paradox of this wicked and insane policy that the Obama and Biden administrations have relentlessly followed towards Russia – and that President Donald Trump was sabotaged and betrayed from ending, as he hoped to do, by his own disastrous appointees. 

For the more the neocons and neoliberals succeed in their “Spirit of Brzezinski” to make the Russian people bleed and suffer all the more – and they care not a fingernail for the extermination-level suffering they have already bought on the people of Ukraine – the closer they bring their own destruction.

The option of total thermonuclear war is no dark secret in Moscow. it is openly, soberly and even fearfully discussed by serious policy makers and in mainstream media. It is seen as a last, horrific, awful option but one that the Russian government and people are being inexorably forced towards by the relentless pressures ever more imposed by the US government and its allies and dupes upon them.

What is openly discussed in Moscow needs to be openly and widely discussed in Washington, New York, London, Paris and Los Angeles as well.

Armageddon is here. It is staring us in the face. The Grand Canyon looming between Good and Evil, Life and Universal Death has never been wider – or clearer. There is no middle ground anymore. You must be actively for the survival of the human race, or you will just continue to be the passive dupes of its executioners.

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